Source code for

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2021 Stephen Bunn <>
# GPLv3 License <>

"""Contains logic for handling HTTP downloads.

        The default bytesize that the HTTP downloader should use for streaming content.
        The default maximum number of HTTP connections the downloader should use.
    CONTENT_RANGE_PATTERN (~typing.Pattern):
        A compiled regex pattern to help matching content range header values.

import re
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple

from cached_property import cached_property
from requests import Response, Session

from ..config import instance as config
from ..log import instance as log
from ..models import Content, HttpResource
from ..models.content import Manifest, Resource
from ..utils import allocate_storage
from .base import BaseDownloader

DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE: int = 2 ** 12


[docs]class HttpDownloader(BaseDownloader): """Downloader for traditional HTTP resources.""" name = "HTTP Downloader" @cached_property def session(self) -> Session: """HTTP session to use for downloading resources. Returns: ~requests.Session: The HTTP session to use for downloading resources. """ if not hasattr(self, "_session"): # pragma: no cover self._session = Session() return self._session
[docs] @classmethod def can_handle(cls, content: Content) -> bool: """Check if some given content can be handled by the HTTP downloader. Args: content (~models.content.Content): The content to check against the current content. Returns: bool: True if the downloader can handle downloading the content, otherwise False """ return all(isinstance(resource, HttpResource) for resource in content.resources)
def _request_resource( self, resource: HttpResource, stream: bool = True ) -> Response: """Request a response for a given HTTP resource. Args: resource (~models.http.HttpResource): The HTTP resource to request. stream (bool, optional): If True, will open a response stream rather than attempting to fetch the full content. Defaults to True. Returns: ~requests.Response: The response for the given resource. """ log.debug(f"Sending request for resource {resource}") return self.session.send(resource.to_request(), stream=stream) def _download_normal( self, resource: HttpResource, response: Response, to_path: Path, chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, update_hook: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, ) -> Path: """Handle downloading a normal response for a given HTTP resource. Args: resource (~models.http.HttpResource): The resource that resulted in an OK response. response (~requests.Response): The OK response. to_path (~pathlib.Path): The path the content of the resource should be downloaded to. chunk_size (int, optional): The size in bytes to stream chunks of data from the server. Defaults to :attr:``. update_hook (Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], optional): A progress update hook to write the downloaded length of content to. Defaults to :data:`None`. Returns: ~pathlib.Path: The path the resource was downloaded to (should be ``to_path``) """ if "content-length" in response.headers: total_size = int(response.headers["content-length"]) allocate_storage(to_path, total_size) with"wb") as file_handle: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): file_handle.write(chunk) if update_hook is not None: update_hook(len(chunk)) return to_path def _download_partial( # noqa: C901 self, resource: HttpResource, response: Response, to_path: Path, chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, update_hook: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, ) -> Path: """Handle downloading a partial response for a given HTTP resource. Args: resource (~models.http.HttpResource): The resource that resulted in a partial response. response (~requests.Response): The partial response. to_path (~pathlib.Path): The path the content of the resource should be downloaded to. chunk_size (int, optional): The size in bytes to stream chunks of data from the server. Defaults to :attr:`~DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE`. update_hook (Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], optional): A progress update hook to write the downloaded length of content. Defaults to :data:`None`. Raises: ValueError: When the downloading of the partial resource fails for any reason. Returns: ~pathlib.Path: The path the resource was downloaded to (should be ``to_path``). """ # in the worst case scenarios where the partial request is not formatted # according to the HTTP 206 RFC, we can attempt to fallback to the # standard HTTP 200 downloader callable fallback_download = partial( self._download_normal, resource, response, to_path, chunk_size=chunk_size, update_hook=update_hook, ) if "content-range" not in response.headers: # if we don't have a content-range we are kinda screwed # let's just try and handle it with the normal downloader instead log.warning( "Partial response has no Content-Range header, " "falling back to normal HTTP download handler" ) return fallback_download() range_match = CONTENT_RANGE_PATTERN.match( response.headers["content-range"].strip() ) if not range_match: # when we fail to parse content-range as defined by the RFC, might as well # fallback to the normal downloader log.warning( "Partial response has invalid Content-Range header, " "falling back to normal HTTP download handler" ) return fallback_download() range_groups = range_match.groupdict() if "start" not in range_groups or "end" not in range_groups: # without start-end range, we can't paginate over the data properly # let's see if the normal downloader can deal with it log.warning( "Partial response has no valid ranges in the Content-Range header, " "falling back to normal HTTP download handler" ) return fallback_download() range_size = range_groups.get("size") total_size = ( int(range_size) if range_size is not None and range_size not in ("", "*") else None ) if total_size is not None: total_size = int(total_size) allocate_storage(to_path, total_size) # handle the first response with"wb") as file_handle: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): file_handle.write(chunk) if update_hook is not None: update_hook(len(chunk)) # handle iteration over paginated resource using Range header range_iterator = self._iter_ranges( int(range_groups["start"]), int(range_groups["end"]), size=total_size, ) # skip first iteration of ranges since we already handled the original # response from download_resource try: next(range_iterator) except StopIteration: if total_size is not None: log.warning( f"Encountered failed iteration for given range in {range_groups}," " assuming content was fetched properly" ) return to_path raise ValueError(f"Iteration of ranges from {range_groups} failed") for start, end in range_iterator: range_header = f"{range_groups.get('unit')!s}={start!s}-{end!s}" # produce the next resource according to the provided first range log.debug(f"Building next resource of {resource} for range {range_header}") next_resource = resource.copy() next_resource.headers.update({"Range": range_header}) next_response = self._request_resource(next_resource) if not next_response.ok: # if we have not defined a total size (meaning the range generator will # loop forever), and the response comes back as a failed range spec, # it is likely safe to assume the range generator reached the end # of the content if total_size is None and next_response.status_code in (416,): log.warning( f"Encountered failed response {next_response} but total size " "of content was not specified, assuming content was " "fetched properly" ) return to_path raise ValueError( f"Response for resource {next_resource} resolved to error " f"status code {next_response.status_code}" ) # we are appending to the pre-existing file # make sure to not overwrite the pre-existing content with"ab") as file_handle: for chunk in next_response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): file_handle.write(chunk) if update_hook is not None: update_hook(len(chunk)) return to_path
[docs] def download_resource( self, resource: HttpResource, resource_index: int, to_path: Path, chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, update_hook: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, HttpResource, Path]: """Download some resource to a specific filepath. Args: resource (~models.http.HttpResource): The resource to download. resource_index (int): The content's index of the resource in its list of resources. to_path (~pathlib.Path): The filepath to download the resource to. chunk_size (int, optional): The byte size of chunks to stream the resource data in. Defaults to :attr:`~DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE`. update_hook (Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], optional): Callable for reporting downloaded chunk sizes. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: When attempting to download the resource fails for any reason. Returns: Tuple[int, ~models.http.HttpResource, ~pathlib.Path]: A tuple containing the index, the resource, and the path the resource was downloaded to. """ status_handlers = {200: self._download_normal, 206: self._download_partial} with log.contextualize(resource=resource): response = self._request_resource(resource) log.debug(f"Resource {resource} resolved to status {response.status_code}") if not response.ok: raise ValueError( f"Response for resource {resource} resolved to error status code " f"{response.status_code}" ) elif response.status_code == 204: raise ValueError(f"Response for resource {resource} has no content") elif response.status_code in status_handlers: download_handler = status_handlers.get( response.status_code, self._download_normal, ) if to_path.is_file(): log.warning( f"Removing pre-existing resource path {to_path}, " "this typically happens when downloads are ungracefully " "cancelled by the user" ) to_path.unlink() downloaded_path = download_handler( resource, response, to_path, chunk_size=chunk_size, update_hook=update_hook, ) return (resource_index, resource, downloaded_path) else: raise ValueError( f"Response for resource {resource} resolved to " f"unhandled status code {response.status_code}" )
def _iter_ranges( self, start: int, end: int, size: Optional[int] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int], None, None]: """Iterate over ranges to make building partial requests easier. .. important:: If no ``size`` argument is provided. This generator will **never** exit and it is up to the consumer to forcibly break out of the loop. Args: start (int): The starting range of the request (typically should be set to 0). end (int): The ending range of the first request. size (Optional[int], optional): The full size of the data being requested, if available. Defaults to :data:`None`. chunk_size (Optional[int], optional): The custom chunk-size to use for the generated ranges. Defaults to :data:`None`. Yields: Tuple[int, int]: The appropriate (start, end) given the conditions. """ def _loop_condition(end: int, size: Optional[int]) -> bool: return end <= size if size is not None else True while _loop_condition(end, size): if start > end: break yield start, end next_end = end + (chunk_size if chunk_size else ((end - start) + 1)) # cap last range end at full size, if size provided if size is not None and next_end > size: next_end = size start = end + 1 end = next_end def _get_content_size(self, content: Content) -> int: """Get the full byte size of the given content. Args: content (~models.content.Content): The content to get the byte size of. Returns: int: The size of the given content. """ size = 0 for resource in content.resources: if not isinstance(resource, HttpResource): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( f"{self.__class__.__qualname__!s} encountered resource " f"{resource!r}, expected instance of {HttpResource!r}" ) continue response = self.session.head(resource.url) size += int(response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) return size
[docs] def download_content( self, content: Content, max_connections: int = DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS, update_hook: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, ) -> Manifest: """Download the resource of some content to temporary storage. Args: content (~models.content.Content): The content to download. max_connections (int, optional): The limit of connections to make to handle downloading the content. Defaults to :attr:`~DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS`. update_hook (Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], optional): Callable for reporting downloaded chunk sizes. Defaults to :data:`None`. Returns: ~models.content.Manifest: The manifest of downloaded content and local file artifacts. """ results: List[Tuple[int, Resource, Path]] = [] request_futures: Dict[Future, Resource] = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_connections) as executor: for resource_index, resource in enumerate(content.resources): to_path = config.staging_dir.joinpath( f"{!s}.{resource.fingerprint!s}" ) request_futures[ executor.submit( self.download_resource, *(resource, resource_index, to_path), **dict(update_hook=update_hook), ) ] = resource for future in as_completed(request_futures): results.append(future.result()) return Manifest( content=content, artifacts=[ (resource, resource_path) for _, resource, resource_path in sorted( results, key=lambda result: result[0] ) ], )