Source code for megu.config

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2021 Stephen Bunn <>
# GPLv3 License <>

"""Contains project wide configuration values."""

from pathlib import Path

import attr

from .env import instance as env

[docs]@attr.s class MeguConfig: """Project wide configuration values. Attributes: app_name (str): The name of the CLI app. app_version (str): The semver version of the CLI app. temp_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where temporary files should be stored. staging_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where files can be persisted for staging downloads. cache_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where persistent caches should be stored. log_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where logs should be stored. plugin_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where plugins should be read from. Parameters: cache_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where persistent caches should be stored. log_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where logs should be stored. plugin_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where plugins should be read from. download_dir (~pathlib.Path): The directory where downloads are stored to by default. """ app_name = APP_NAME app_version = APP_VERSION temp_dir = TEMP_DIR staging_dir = STAGING_DIR cache_dir: Path = attr.ib(default=env.cache_dir) log_dir: Path = attr.ib(default=env.log_dir) plugin_dir: Path = attr.ib(default=env.plugin_dir) download_dir: Path = attr.ib(default=env.download_dir)
instance = MeguConfig()